Business in Focus: an on demand 7 hour intensive photography business livestream/webinar

$ 250.00

One month access to the complete Business in Focus webinar (7 hours)

This is an ALL AGES on demand livestream/webinar open to any photographers (pro, amateur, hobby, etc)
Please  note: This is an on demand 7 hour long intensive business livestream/webinar broken down into 8 chapters.
As a photographer you want to focus on creating images, but a camera is just as important as business practice and knowledge in the career of any working photographer. From those who want to afford their hobby to those already who want to expand their income as a full time photographer, being successful is half  business knowledge and half photographic knowledge. The unknowns within the business side of photography can seem limitless, confusing, and stressful when you only want to focus on creating.
In All Access: Business in Focus, Jeremy focuses on sharpening the minds of attendees with over two decades of professional business knowledge within the world of photography.
From the beginnings such as breaking into the industry, getting your foot in the door, the ins and outs of concert photography and touring, getting your work noticed and finding your voice as a photographer to more seasoned knowledge such as how to  properly quote job rates, negotiate, read and write contract agreements, rate sheets, how to best sell your work editorially and commercially time and time again, even getting paid multiple times for a single job, retaining clients and how to make a living in photography.
Jeremy will cover the best ways to turn photography from a part time hobby into a career and what crucial steps you should take to get there, how to turn your work into artist approved physical art that you can sell, how to properly market both yourself and your work physically and online. Additionally, he will be going over some photography etiquette, how to create additional revenue streams with your work, and making sure you are fully protected from anything that could harm you or your career and so much  more. Aside from all of the good things, he will go over each and every major mistake he’s made along his career and what he would have done  differently to correct it. Jeremy will go over many hurdles they have faced  so you don’t have to, and will talk about all the hard times he didn’t  have to go through if they had the knowledge they do today. In this intensive seminar Jeremy will give you all the business tools possible to help bring the blur that is the business of photography into sharp focus.

- Getting published/getting paid
- Setting your rates and your worth
- Concert photography/touring
- How to sell your images digitally and physically
- Making a living with your photography
- Branding and marketing yourself and your work
- Developing beneficial professional relationships within the industry
- Booking the shoots you want to do
- Contracts, agreements and licensing
- Deliverables and expectations of work
- Booking the shoots you want.
- Protecting yourself and your work
- Collaborating with artists, businesses and brands
- Creating additional revenue streams in photography
- and much much more

Anyone with an interest in photography will gain much from this program as will anyone interested in the business side of photography.  While the focus of the business is somewhat in the world of commercial and editorial portraiture, it is applicable to almost all facets of photography.
Business In Focus: Chapters
Chapter 1 - Intro + Pricing strategies.
Intro: how I got started in photography/how I got started in business
Starting your career
What to charge
determining your worth
rate sheets or packages
The perception of pricing
Who pays for what?
Negotiation tactics
whoops: mistakes and regrets I made along the way and how to avoid them
Chapter 2  - Licensing/Contracts, Marketing, Networking, Branding, and Social Media
licensing and contracts: protecting yourself and your clients
Social Media: marketing
Social Media dos and donts
Marketing and Branding
Networking groups and associations
Networking events
Chapter 3 - Starting in Music Photography, Setting up shoots/passes, PR, Insurance, Assistants.
Starting in the music photography world
How to set up a shoot/get a photo pass
Who to contact to book a shoot/get a pass
Shooting for press, endorsement or self
Public Relations
Equipment for the job
Insurance for your photography gear
Finding an assistant
Training an assistant
Chapter 4 - Concert Photography, Touring, Shooting For Spec.
Concert photography
Get your work to stand out in a crowd of photographers
Concert photography truths
Concert photographer gear
Shooting for spec (photo shoots and concerts)
Touring info
The business of touring
Protect your ears! (get custom ear plugs)
Chapter 5 - Photo Shoots PT 1. Before The Shoot, Shooting Editorial, Commercial, Endorsement, and Promotional, Shooting for a magazine, Shooting covers, A Day In The Life.
Photo shoots part 1 - before the shoot
Questions to ask before accepting the job (editorial vs commercial)
Pre-production of the shoot (what you need to plan out before doing the shot)
During the shoot: client and team interaction and communication
Shooting editorial: The business side of shooting for a magazine
Shooting a cover
Getting the shots you need and the shots you want
A day in the life with Ghost: how my 1 hour shoot turned into a 17 hour day.
Shooting endorsement photos (the business side)
Chapter 6 - Photo Shoots PT 2. Travel Shoots, Shooting In Studio vs. On Location, Shooting Festivals, Shooting Behind The Scenes of a Production.
Travel shoots (what to do when hired to travel for a shoot locally or nationally
Travel cases - protecting your gear on the road or in the air
Photo session: In studio (key points and examples)
Photo session: on location (key points and examples)
Controlling natural lighting
Shooting festivals (photo shoots in festival settings)
Behind the scenes (doing BTS photography for videos, day in the life, recording etc)
Chapter 7 - Photo Shoots PT. 3 After The Shoot, The Post Process, Invoicing, Selling Your Work Digitally and Physically, Client Relationships, Expanding Your Work.
After the shoot (what to do immediately after the shoot wraps)
Delivering images safely and data workflow
The post process
Selling your work digitally and physically
Selling prints
Getting your work offline and into the real world
Client relationships and the creative process
Career affirmations
Expanding your work with trusted clients
Selling your work to various companies (a test!)
Chapter 8 - Building Your Career Behind The Camera, Visual Legacies, Gear, Working with a Brand/Company, Booking the Shoots You Want, Personal Projects, Outro.
Building your career
How I built my career and relationships in the industry (with examples)
Adding to the visual legacy of an artist (with examples)
The snowball effect of a photo shoot leading to more work
Changes: The biggest changes I wish I made earlier in my career
Gear: What gear do you need and what gear do you want? What gear should you try?
Working with camera and lighting based brands
Working with non-photo based brands
Getting the shoots you want
Personal projects
Final QnA

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